Women's Weight Loss
Meal Delivery

Eat better & feel great!

  • Chef-prepared meals that taste great and target fat
  • Customized physician-designed weight loss program
  • Individualized weight loss support

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We Cook the Food,
You Lose the Weight

Lisa before and after

Lost 50 lbs
Lisa Alexander (32)
Marquette, MI

You deserve a break!

Let us take care of the hard work of meal planning, shopping, and cooking. All that's left for you is to enjoy delicious nutritionally balanced breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals delivered right to your door. Lose weight with an easy to follow plan that has helped tens of thousands of other women on their journey to wellness.

From Our Kitchen To Your Table

You are ready to lose weight and we are ready to help! Our team is passionate about helping real people achieve lasting weight loss results. We call this "life-transforming wellness" and good news - it's well within your reach! Our chefs enable your weight loss effort by preparing delicious restaurant-quality meals that you will love to eat.

We Plan

We Shop

We Cook

You Enjoy!

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Select a program below to explore customer-favorite meals from each menu

Signature Program

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Long-Lasting Results

Unlike fad diets that promise easy, extreme weight loss that often doesn't last, bistroMD's women's weight loss plans use our scientific approach to achieve healthy, long-term weight loss results.

Corrected Metabolism

Many women struggle to lose weight due to metabolic dysfunction, making it easy to gain weight but very difficult to lose it. Our program is proven to correct metabolic dysfunction and restore your ability to lose weight once and for all.

Reduced Cravings

Our Registered Dietitians build your weekly menu to ensure you get the proper balance of nutrients, including adequate lean protein to help regulate blood glucose and reduce cravings.

Improved Overall Health & Wellness

Our women's program uses food as medicine to restore your body's natural rhythm and can result in more than just weight loss results. We've seen women improve their cholesterol, blood pressure, energy, and even achieve better sleep through the overall wellness that our plans support.

Calories Example


The amount of energy that food provides is measured by calories.

How We Use Them:

1,100-1,400 calories per day includes 3 meals and 2 snacks for women. Sources include lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Protein Example


Protein builds and repairs the body's tissues including bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin. Your body needs protein to keep your organs functioning, protect your immune system, and for hormone production.

How We Use It:

40-50% of total caloric intake is from lean protein sources to maintain lean muscle while burning fat. Sources include chicken breast, lean beef, and fish.

Carbohydrates Example


Carbohydrates are considered to be the body's main source of energy and are quickly utilized by the brain and muscles. Carbs come in two forms: simple & complex. Processed and refined sugars are simple carbs, which are digested and absorbed quickly. Complex carbs pack in more nutrients and are digested more slowly, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

How We Use It:

30-35% of total caloric intake is from complex carbohydrates to provide energy and regulate blood sugar.

Fat Example


Fat is an essential nutrient that provides support for your cardiovascular, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. Healthy fats improve your cholesterol, heart, and overall health.

How We Use It:

20-25% of total caloric intake is from healthy fats to boost metabolism to help rid the body of unwanted, excess body fat and control hunger. Sources include omega-3 rich salmon, eggs, dairy, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Our Success

"We are real women just like you and we did it!"


Lisa Alexander (32)
Marquette, MI

What Lisa Loves

  • Weekly Dish on Health Newsletter
  • Fitness tips from her Trainer
  • Webinars with the M.D.



Lisette Davila (40)
Henderson, NV

What Lisette Loves

  • Free Registered Dietitian Support
  • Fitness tips from her Trainer
  • weekly Dish on Health Newsletter



Mia Simone (47)
San Francisco, CA

What Mia Loves

  • Webinars with the M.D.
  • Weekly Dish on Health Newsletter
  • Fitness tips from her Trainer


What Others Are Saying

as seen on...

Dr. Phil
Lifetime Network
The Biggest Loser
The Doctors