Why bistroMD Is Not Like Any Other Diet Program

What makes bistroMD different from other diet programs? Unlike the others, bistroMD is science-based, dietitian-approved, chef-prepared, and beyond!

Why bistroMD Is Not Like Any Other Diet Program

Finding a solution that works best for you can be hard in a sea of misinformation and fad diets. Even if promising weight loss, fad diets have a similar pattern: They tend to set hopeful dieters up for failure and cascade yo-yo dieting patterns, leading to dramatic weight fluctuations and persistent frustrations.

But bistroMD is not like other diets that only lead to short-term results and unsustainable success. The difference between bistroMD and other diets is that you will want to come and stay. Not only because of the delicious and nutritious meals but because we at bistroMD will be here for you every step of the way.

Really, the science and support of bistroMD is unmatched and we are thrilled to help take your health to the next level that will last a lifetime! 

The Science of BistroMD

Healthy meal plans are backed by the science and research of founding weight loss physician Dr. Caroline Cederquist, a board-certified physician. With over 20 years of medical expertise in her field, Dr. Cederquist developed a plan to focus on Metabolic Dysfunction, a very common metabolism condition that makes weight easy to gain and hard to lose. 

Metabolic Dysfunction is influenced by hormonal changes that impact your metabolism and how your body can use nutrients in your food. Some identified causes include:

• Belly fat
• Genetics
• Medications
• Aging & menopause
• Nutritional deficiencies

The causes of Metabolic Dysfunction are non-modifiable, as factors like genetics and aging cannot be changed. Fortunately, a customized bistroMD helps reset your metabolism to ensure you're able to lose weight and keep it off! 

Our plans are created using a scientific balance of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Our balanced nutrition plan for weight loss provides 1,200-1,400 calories daily with 40% total caloric intake from lean, adequate protein, 30% of calories from healthy fats, and 30% from complex carbohydrates.

Each macronutrient benefits weight loss and health in their own unique way, including:

• Lean protein maintains lean muscle while burning fat.

• Complex carbohydrates provide energy and regulate blood sugar.

• Healthy fats boost metabolism to help rid the body of unwanted excess fat and control hunger.

All balanced meals are created with high-quality whole foods and recognizable ingredients. Meals are also prepared in our kitchens by bistroMD chefs, flash-frozen to lock in nutrients and flavor, and shipped straight to you to heat and enjoy!

Our EATS program (essential and tasty snacks) is also available to elevate your program and results. With EATS, enjoy high-quality protein and fiber snacks that are perfectly balanced and portion-controlled.

Ongoing Support for Life-Long Success

The rooted science of the bistroMD plan is just only one facet of success, as members truly flourish with the ongoing support our team provides. Because at bistroMD we not only believe in eating better, but that feeling supported leads to a healthier, happier, and more confident you for years to come. 

When signing up with bistroMD, you are automatically welcomed into a supportive community ready to help you make healthy changes for the long haul, for life! Do not miss out on exclusive, ongoing support from:

• Sara the RD

• Customer service agents

• Member Facebook group

• Weekly newsletters

• Text support

• Health Library

Overall, bistroMD is not a restrictive, fad diet that leads to chronic yo-yo dieting and subsequent weight loss and regain. Instead, we offer a comprehensive, custom program focusing on all areas of wellness and you'll have support at each step of the way!