"What are the Golden Fork Awards?" you may ask…
The Golden Fork Awards are tributes to the nutritious and delicious entrées delivered by bistroMD to members across the nation. Running December 4th through the 20th, fan-favorite meals and snacks from 2018 will be honored each day!
BistroMD presents the 2nd Annual Golden Fork Awards:
The following awards will be given to:
• Best Chicken Entrée
• Best Beef Entrée
• Best in Sea
• Best Breakfast
• Hottest Soup
• Best Plant-Based Entrée
• Best New Snack
And the most anticipated…
• Snack of the Year
• Meal of the Year
What's more, the GFAs are presented by valued bistroMD members who recognize the excellence of tasty, healthy, and innovative cuisine. That's right, YOU are invited to vote for your favorite nominees!
And voting is just as simple as ordering and experiencing bistroMD's dietitian-approved, chef-prepared meals and snacks! Simply vote here and follow up to see who will win!
(We are not sure which is harder – waiting to reveal the winners or the quick few minutes to heat up and enjoy a tasty bistroMD meal!)
So, who will win the Golden Fork Awards? Could it be that delectable chicken with lemon peppercorn sauce you have been raving about? Or what about those parmesan Italiano chips that are the perfect balance of cheesy and crispy? Or perhaps that decadent dark chocolate coconut bar you still cannot believe is actually healthy…
There is only one way to find out and you do not want to miss this watch party! Be apart of the interactive, valued crowd by following the official bistroMD Facebook page to see the Golden Fork Award winning entrées and snacks of 2018!