For Mary, bistroMD's Heart Healthy Program was the lifestyle change she needed to naturally get off cholesterol medication.

Mary before and after
Mary's journey to wellness began at her doctor's office when she was put on medication for high cholesterol levels. At 57, Mary felt that she was too young to be on cholesterol medication and she knew that it was time to make a change. Under her doctor's guidance, Mary signed up for the bistroMD Heart Healthy Program. Here's how she reached her goal and how you can too!
Mary's before photo
"I decided to make a change because I just felt really weighed down and lethargic. I tried Jenny Craig a long time ago. It was fine, but I got to a point where I wouldn't eat the food." Mary says.
Mary's after photo
Mary credits bistroMD's delicious food and the encouraging members-only Facebook group for helping her stick with the program for 8 months and counting. Her results include losing 45 lbs, lowering her cholesterol and getting off medication.
Mobile Phone with BistroMD logo on screen

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Highlights from Mary's Journey

Achieving Non-scale Victories

2 months

"I love the health benefits I have seen since I started bistroMD's Heart Healthy Program at the beginning of the year. My successes include looser fitting clothes, a move from the obese to the overweight category, and a 135 point drop in my cholesterol. My journey continues but I am thankful for the progress. "Mary reported after 2 months on the bistroMD program.

Learning & Creating New Habits

3 months

BistroMD has taught Mary several sustainable health lessons. She has become more conscious of her daily calorie intake and proper portion sizes. She is fairly confident about her ability to eat better long term, saying that while bistroMD has taught her many valuable lessons, she has had a lot of practice eating the wrong way. Mary credits bistroMD's delicious food and the encouraging members-only Facebook group for helping her stick with the program for 8 months and counting.

Continuing Success

8 months

Since that initial doctor's appointment, Mary has accomplished her most important weight loss goal. Her cholesterol dropped 160 points and she is no longer on medication. Mary is also well on her way to achieving her BMI goal. She started her weight loss journey in the obese category of the BMI scale and after losing 45 lbs, she is now on the high-end of normal. Long term, Mary plans to maintain a weight that puts her in the middle range of the normal category on the BMI scale.

* Weight loss results will vary. Members can expect to lose 1-2 lbs per week.

Let's make the next success story yours!

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as seen on...

Dr. Phil
Lifetime Network
The Biggest Loser
The Doctors