Many people think that weight loss starts with a transformation of the body. However, it actually begins with the mind. Inspirational diet quotes can help give you the motivation to lose weight while also keeping a healthy mindset in mind.
Read on to find your new favorite inspirational quote!
Healthy Lifestyle Quotes
1. “The first wealth is health.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. “Happiness lies, first of all, in health.” -George William Curtis
3. “Prevention is better than cure.” -Desiderius Erasmus
4. “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit.” -B.K.S. Iyengar
5. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Will Durant
6. “The body loves routine.” -Theresa Hearn Haynes
7. “If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” -Mary Engelbreit
Healthy Eating Quotes
8. “A healthy outside starts from the inside.” -Robert Urich
9. “He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” - Chinese Proverb
10. “Nurturing yourself is not selfish - it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.” -Renee Peterson Trudeau
11. “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” -Ann Wigmore
12. “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates
13. “You can’t control what goes on outside, but you CAN control what goes on inside.” -Unknown
Weight Loss Motivational Quotes
14. “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” - Buddha
15. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” -Jim Rohn
16. “Follow your dreams, work hard, practice, and persevere.” -Sasha Cohen
17. “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.” -Tony Robbins
18. “Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.” -Edward Smith Stanley
19. “Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart.” -Gene Tunney
20. “Your body hears everything your mind says.” -Naomi Judd
21. “Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” -Anne Wilson Schaef
22. “Healthy is an outfit that looks different on everybody.” -Unknown
23. “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible.” -Audrey Hepburn
24. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” -Nibo Qubein
25. “Things that you are unlikely to regret: exercise, eating healthily, challenging yourself, making a plan, being kind.” -Freequill
Start Your Healthy Weight Loss Journey Today
Choose to start your health and weight loss journey today. Find a sense of motivation in the quotes above and apply their principles in your life.
Moral of the story, a little inspiration can go a long way!
Andrews A. 20 Inspiring Quotes on Health, Life & Balance. OmBody Health. Published November 2016. https://ombodyhealth.com/20-inspiring-quotes-health-life-balance/.
Pfeffer J. 21 Healthy Lifestyle Quotes to Inspire You. Rasmussen. Published July 2012. https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/health-sciences/blog/healthy-lifestyle-quotes-to-inspire-you/.
Shinners R. 15 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Live a Healthy Lifestyle. Woman’s Day. Published April 2016. https://www.womansday.com/health-fitness/g2318/healthy-lifestyle-quotes/.